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Optimal therapy support for your patients from
the Mediservice home care team.

Here you will find the documents you need for registering for therapy support and for drug prescriptions:

Download the appropriate prescription template for your indication. After completing the form, simply send it to us by email, fax or post. If you want to prescribe additional medication, please use the neutral prescription template. If a product-specific prescription template is missing, please contact us. You can either call us on 032 686 28 28 or send an email to Please note: Each prescription must be signed by hand or have a qualified electronic signature.

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Are you missing the manufacturer or product recipe template you need?
Then don't hesitate to contact us - we will be happy to help you!

The secure digital prescription for the Swiss healthcare system. The E-prescription Switzerland service allows doctors to issue digital prescriptions – easily and in compliance with the law. The QR code lets us record and handle them automatically. This makes processes in surgeries and pharmacies safer and more efficient.

If you are unsure whether your system is already able to issue e-prescriptions, we recommend that you contact your practice information provider.
Further information on the E-prescription Switzerland service can be found at: E-prescription Switzerland service: signing prescriptions electronically (

If you have any questions about e-prescriptions, please get in touch with our team at

  • In addition to the doctor, our specialist nurses are your direct and personal point of contact throughout therapy.
  • The success of therapy is optimised through close contact and the direct exchange of information between the MediService specialist nurse and the doctor.
  • Care by our specialist nurses can be provided in German, French or Italian.
  • Home care therapy support and care are free of charge for our customers.

Personal support

When starting therapy, during therapy or when changing therapy, many patients feel more secure if they can count on the support of a medical professional at home. Our Home Care team is happy to provide this support, either as a one-off session to provide instructions or regularly if desired and necessary.

Telephone advice

From time to time, all you need is advice or a brief conversation about your therapy. In such cases, your responsible specialist nurse or another member of our Home Care team will be happy to help you by telephone. Our experience shows that regular and simple contact with our specialist nurses increases the success of therapy and often eliminates the need to visit the doctor.

Video advice

Sometimes a telephone conversation is not enough to solve a problem, or you would like to see who you are talking to during the consultation. In such cases, our specialist nurses are also happy to support you through a video call. Your privacy is fully guaranteed at all times, even during a video consultation.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions, you can reach our Home Care Team from Mon - Fri , 8:00 - 17:00 on 032 686 28 28 or by e-mail at

Home care therapy support

Home care therapy support

Home care Therapy Support for chronically ill patients: With us you will find professional support in the form of individual care and advice.
Your access to our medication

Your access to our medication

Looking for new and innovative therapies? Then our service is just right for you. We make it easier for you to access these therapies.